10 Things Best Dancers Do


Ever wonder how to be a professional world-known dancer like Shakira? How about the King of Pop Michael Jackson? Or the top boy/girl group among the millennials and Gen Z such as BTS and Black Pink?
We break down 10 things they do to become top-notch dancers.

  • Passion is the Key to success

Before everything else, ask this question, “Do I really love dancing? Or this is just something to impress my peers?”. Dance like you have never danced before. When you like and have a passion for dancing in the first place, it would make a huge difference in how you develop in the long run. Nothing will seem too hard.

  • Practice, practice, practice!

Cliché, but this is the most important thing of it all. If you don’t practice the complicated movements, techniques and style, not only your memory won’t remember well but also your body will get sore if you rarely practice. Good dancers put extra hours on practice, that’s what makes them stand out. Just grind and grind and grind. Don’t stress on learning something new, focus on perfecting each skills step by step.

  • Streeetch!

Flexibility is important. Stretch your body. Go beyond your limits. Notice every good dancer dance effortlessly and made every movement seems so easy. This is why daily stretch is crucial to build up the flexibility of your body and minimize the likelihood of injuries. This is what will make you a perfect dancer.

  • Maintain posture

Like a model, remind yourself every time you sit down, standing or walking; chin up, keep your body straight, and push your shoulders back. Maintaining the posture is one of the major factors you have to follow as a dancer.

  • Follow the flow

Who says, you can’t see with your eyes closed? Your imagination can take you to Neverland. Following the flow is the same as you following a river and enjoying it. Therefore, when learning a new dance, try to close your eyes, feel the beats and flow of the music, let your body sway by itself.

  • Relax

Take time off when you need to. Your body needs rest, just like your brain needs time to cool down from remembering or figuring out new techniques or movements for your dance.

  • Challenge yourself

Challenge and not forcing. Keep challenging yourself and go beyond your limits. Sometimes, the biggest confidence comes when you start to put pressure on yourself. The hidden dragon will unveil itself and you’ll encounter something in you that you’ve never thought exist before. one of the blogs which will tell you about 5 tips to become stunning hip hop dancer will tell you about the whole hip hop scenario.

  • Don’t withdraw from drawbacks!

The greatest success built from the biggest challenges and many out-of-comfort-zones.  Some days you may find yourself burnt out, suddenly losing the taste of dancing, not motivated, unfocused, get bad feedbacks or critiques from people… Guess what? These are totally normal drawbacks! In fact, you can’t please anyone anyway.

  • Quality people

Find those bunch who put great input and value into you, not pushing you down but up, bravely correct when you are wrong but always there when you needed them the most. Everybody deserves this, and you too! When you feel like you lose motivation and focus on dancing, feeling like a failure, they are the ones who will never leave your side and they always have unique ways to cheer you up again!

  • Find the right instructor

Everybody started from the bottom, after all. This is why finding the right instructor that can nurture and help you pursue that dream dance journey is highly important. Skilligy is the perfect place for this! We have numbers of professional, industry experienced dance instructors willing to help and can truly understand you.
What are your tips to be a better dancer? Comment down below!
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